𓂀 A 7 moon Rite of Passage to Self-Initiate as a Priestess of Song, Erotic Embodiment and Vocal Liberation. 𓂀

This is a returning to the truth of who we’ve always been. This is the remembrance of the essential song within. When women gather we activate & connect the ancient codes of our blood, our wombs, our cervical gateway to the stars we were born from.

Through erotic embodiment, tantric exploration, vocal activation, sisterhood and heart expansion - we emerge as the Priestess Initiate, the embodiment of the Goddess, the Temple in motion.

We are here to remember, awaken to our own Divinity & activate the sacred geometry that is encoded into our DNA. We are the Goddess, we are the Mother, we are the Womb, we are the Cosmos, we are Gaia.

Our fullest expression of our erotic energy is our birthright. 

Allow yourself to open, to surrender, to breathe in the ecstatic life force. Turn ON to your experience of yourSELf and your life. Living embodied in our eros is innate. 

Tantra is simply presence 
The deepest form of presence we can unify with
All cells engaged in the sensations of the now
Our wholeness merged with the moment.

Through breath, sound and movement
We dissolve into erotic essence, innate, natural, orgasmic
Not so much an ‘altered’ state of consciousness
Rather, our original state as feminine beingness 
Flowing freely in our ecstatic expression

Priestess Temple Arts are an ancient gnowing 
Growing in the collective awareness
This is wisdom we have carried for life times
In the pyramids
In the covens
In the caves
In the flames

There’s an etheric temple that comes into form when women gather in prayer
We activate the eternal flame of the Goddess, the Cosmic Womb, the Divine Mother
Within ourselves and one another

We open the temple gates as Priestess Initiates 
And illuminate the path of Divine truth
Integrated with masculine & feminine 
Balanced in our Light & Dark aspects

This is the Embodied Channel, the Living Transmission of the New & Ancient Earth
Grounded in Gaia, Orchestrating with the Stars, Open wings of the Heart 

This is your sacred invitation sister, to ReOpen the Gates to our Temple
To ReVisit our Altar of  Deity Devotion & Feminine Worship
To ReIgnite our Prayer and Goddess Embodiment
To Merge with the Divine in Sacred Marriage 

This is not a ceremony which one simply attends and passively receives healing.
This is a call to those who wish to actively participate in prayer & co-creation of our Priestess Temple. This is a call to all Priestess Initiates who are called forward into devotion of the Goddess. This is a call to those who are here to channel the codes of the Divine Feminine. This is a call to those who are self-initiating on the path of Erotic Embodiment.

Egyptian Tantric Alchemy
Erotic Embodiment
Yoni & Throat Connection
Vocal Activation
Womb Healing
Shakti Awakening
Sweat Lodge Ceremony

Sacred Inner Union
Tantric Gaia Worship
Cacao & Plant Communion
Priestess Temple Arts
Rose Lineage
Self Pleasure Rituals

Heart Opening
Embodied Channeling
Soul Song Liberation
Priestess Path Self Initiation
Ancestral Medicine
Sisterhood Healing

We were there in the caves, in the covens,
at the stake.

It’s time to reclaim the medicine of your soul.

To open the floodgates of your womb

And liberate the song of your heart.

Ancient codes are activated when women gather, when we channel our emotions & our songs & expression. To love is to experience every emotion. To feel every emotion is to live as an embodied channel. To channel these emotions is the work of High Priestess Alchemy.

You are not alone in your depth of emotion or capacity to heal through feeling & expressing.

Join our Temple of Medicine Priestesses and together we will remember the magick we conjured in lifetimes past.

This will be a closed, intimate coven of only 6 Priestess Initiates so that we can go deep.

☥ I am here to connect via phone or zoom to see if this is an aligned choice for your journey along the Rose path.

I am calling in sisters who are ready to wildly transform and self-initiate. Only reach out if you are ready to change your life.

  • Women who are ready to radically change their lives, unleash their eros and step fully into their magnetism as embodied channels in devotion to the Goddess

    This is a deep dive container such that we’ll be journeying through vast & vulnerable quantum fields. This is a journey to support those who are ready to fully commit to their gifts as a Channel, Priestess and Medicine Woman. This coven is specifically for cis-gendered women.

  • While there is a lot of mystery to unravel as a collective, we can be sure that we’ll be tapping into Ancient Egyptian Tantric Alchemy, Erotic Embodiment, working with yoni eggs & self pleasure, vocal activations & yoni/throat connects, Deity Embodiment, deep sisterhood connections and wound healing, Womb Healing & so much more.

  • We will meet on the 4th or 5th Saturday of each month - coordinating with the full moon. These will be our Deep Dive containers from 1:00pm - 5:00pm.

    Starting with September.

    September 30th
    October 28th
    November 25th
    December 30th (if people are in town)
    January 27th
    February 24th
    March 23rd
    April 27th (back up if we skip December)

    One of these sessions will include a day long sweat lodge where will we will be traveling to Arlington, WA for the entire day. Arriving at 9am and leaving around 5pm.

    The rest of the ceremonies will be at my home, the OneHeart Temple, in Beacon Hill, Seattle.

    Our Integration sessions will happen on Mondays, just over 2 weeks after the Deep Dive Ceremony. For these sessions we’ll meet virtually for 90 minutes on Zoom from 6:30-8pm on:

    October 16th
    November 13th
    December 11th
    January 15th (unless we skip December)
    February 12th
    March 11th
    April 8th (back up if we skip January)

    Additional support can be provided up on request. I can be available for a 1 hour zoom call for each person to support you more intimately with whatever you’re working through. You can use this session at any time during our 7 moons together.

    I will also provide recorded rituals, embodiment practices and tools for you to deepen into the medicine in your own personal time.

  • The Goddess Hathor is an Egyptian Deity who is known as the Goddess of fertility, sensuality, music, dancing, tantric love making, speaking, teaching, highest levels of creativity and sound. She is often depicted with a cow head or the face of the Hathors, a galactic star race.

    The Hathors are ascended masters who are currently interacting with our human family through transmitting sacred sound frequencies through various channels and other means to invite us into more loving and harmonious states as a collective. The Hathors are masters of sound and true embodiments of pure, divine unconditional love. These star siblings previously incarnated on Earth long before humans and as they ascended their energy continued to manifest on Earth through the Egyptian Goddess Hathor.
