May the light of this temple serve you in the reclamation of your voice, heart’s song and fullest expression. It is through your healing that we all heal and give permission and invitation for others to do the same.

Thank you for being you, here & now.

This is what it’s all for.

The primordial sound of Aum brought all of existence into creation. We are all echoes of this continuous vibration in the infinite expansion of the Universe. Uni = One and Verse = Song. We are the OneSong, Beloved Family, each with our own unique authentic tone to liberate. As we each unleash the essential song within, we collectively weave the sacred symphony of life. 

My work is to serve the liberation of love and full authentic expression, such that through our global song, we raise the vibration of Gaia & Humanity to the frequency of Unconditional Love. 

This is our true nature. We are the Living Transmission of the One Song and we all have a sacred Heart Medicine to contribute. May we all believe in our true expression as a gift to the world. 

My expression is primarily to channel sound & songs for others. The ancients knew that sound has the capacity to alter physical matter instantly. This Universal Law is the Truth that guides my practice.

I work as an embodied channel, in Devotion to the One Heart Temple and Sacred Union. As I am the female partner in our Union, I steward much of the feminine and womb wisdoms in our containers. However, our mission is truly one of returning to wholeness, the integration of both Masculine and Feminine as equal, beautiful and necessary.

Suntaya Song

Devotion to the Divine Feminine & Divine Mother. Priestess of the One Heart Temple. Embodied Channel.

Pillar of the Masculine. Earth Steward. Medicine Holder. Liberation through embodied wisdom.

Elohim Earthprayer

Great Spirit, be it that I may find my feet upon the ground and my channel wide open so that I may speak good & true that which is needed for our mother Earth and her people. May my heart be connected to the heart of the Universe, to the heart of the land and soil so that I might glimpse the deepest currents of truth and from that place find healing and live an embodied life in accordance with the laws of reciprocity.

Holding the pillar of the masculine is Elohim. His prayers are of, and for, the Earth and all of us ~ a pleading to Spirit that we be given the wisdom to discern what is no longer for us and the strength to let it all go so that we may awaken to the full miracle of our lives.

There, residing in the miracle, we manifest the life of our dreams expressed as the highest possible good for all. May we find the strength to surrender fully to that which is the perfection of creation itself and receive in our own lives the fruit of that Tree of Life that birthed us. Each of us returning home to our hearts and the Great Mystery so that we may plant new seeds in service to this gift of Life that we have been given.