Here we are friends, “Just Elo.”
A new chapter and season for me. A moment of excitement and nervousness. A knowing that I got this and also, what’s it going to be like without Suntaya?
I know that it will be exactly what it needs to be and yet I feel the shadows and empty space of her departure. I’ve seen and felt what was possible in our container together and I think to myself, “can I match that alone? Am I enough?”
Silly Elo, insecurities are for kids! And yet there they are, poking their lil’ heads out and saying hello.
Breathe. Release. Surrender.
“You know who you are. You know your heart. Share from there and give up all the rest.” As if my ability to create, hold and “deliver” on this container is somehow attached to… my self-worth. To my future-life-success. To my ability to feel attractive. To what? All those tendrils of association…
I release you.
Be empty, become hollow and serve from that place of emptiness.
BE from that place of emptiness. Reshape this relationship by giving it the spaciousness to become itself.
I give my word that I will show up in Love, in slowness and Presence and be from that place of my heart’s deepest and truest yearning.
Loving it.
Feeling it.
Allowing for it all.
Not judging it at all.
Surrendering to it again and again...
It, the deepest and truest yearnings of a Liberated Heart.
Awaken to your Breath and experience it as the Teacher that it is.
This is an all-levels offering intended to be a safe space for our collective healing process.
Breathwork is a technology that we can activate at any time to bring loving awareness & deep presence to our being in a way that shifts the very fabric of our consciousness, bringing light to the shadow and guiding us to that which is most important to our unique healing journeys so that we may live together in thriving & regenerative conscious relationship with ourselves, each other and our mother Earth.
We offer all that we are and all that we feel as a prayer and invitation for you to EXPRESS and FEEL whatever-the-f*ck-it-is however-the-f*ck-it-looks in order to remember and align to the deepest currents of Love that are available to you at this time.
Healing isn't solving a problem.
It's a practice of acceptance and surrender,
a willingness to die and be reborn.
That is what we offer you.
Doors at 1pm. We’ll begin at 1:20.
During this 3 hour confluence we'll embark together on a group journey to transcend normal states of consciousness and expand into the infinite universe of possibilities. Here, aligned with the vibration of love, we begin the process of liberating ourselves from that which is no longer serving us. Using our breath we’ll open our hearts to new capacities and awaken to even deeper levels of our truth.
Breathwork is a technology that utilizes breathing as a way of shifting out of our default reality. It allows us to access parts of ourselves that we didn’t know were there, that had been hiding in the dark corners or were simply too shy to let themselves be seen. It helps us feel in our bodies that whatever it is we're holding is profoundly FOR us. That the stories and histories we carry are perfectly beautiful ~ and that we (the collective) all carry a piece of those stories as well.
While powerful alone, the two medicines of Cacao & Breath dance together in perfect counterpoint. Each playing a vital role in shifting our consciousness and way of being. The spirit of Cacao guides us to the doorway of our awakened hearts, the instrument through which our life-force flows. Together, in community and through our breath, we’ll open that door and step through to the degree that we are ready.
The breath, shifting our consciousness
The cacao, connecting us through the heart frequency.
The group, aligned in intention, present and ready to receive that which is for us all in this sacred moment.
The experience of this journey is one that evolves parallel to our own spiritual paths. The benefits of the breathwork is available to anyone that is interested in healing and transformation, in self-knowing and self-love and in becoming the best version of themselves. And, as we learn to sit back and observe our lives from the seat of the witness, this work will begin reveal to us deeper and deeper levels of ourSelves.
Active breathwork is powerful and quite vigorous. It is physically, energetically and emotionally demanding and therefore we do not recommend it for anyone that is pregnant, has severe hypertension or cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, bipolar disorders or schizophrenia, or recent major surgeries and/or communicable diseases.If you have any further questions please feel free to message us here or email us at breathe@theonehearttemple.com
Suntaya and Elohim have been holding ceremony for the Seattle community for over seven years. Our hearts have lead us in many directions along our medicine path, finally landing us here in the alchemy of many modalities.
In addition to Breath & Cacao we weave as channels of sound, prayer, song, energy healing and more. We are here in service to the OneHeart, an etheric temple that comes into form when we gather together in love. Coming together in this way, as supportive like-souled community, activates ancient codes that allow us to co-create a powerful container for healing ourselves and our collective.
Please DO
Allocate enough time to arrive and settle into the space (there's almost always traffic, leave early please!)
Prepare anything you'd need to lie down comfortably for 60 minutes
Bring a journal & pen
Dress comfortably
Please do NOTWear perfume or any strong scents
Please CONSIDERNot eating a heavy meal within ~1.5 hours of ceremony
Not consuming caffeine, stimulants or substances the day of the offering
Giving yourself time & space afterwards to integrate and nourish yourselves
A mug for cacao (if serving)
Anything you’d like to lay & sit comfortably for a few hours.
Eye mask, pillow, yoga mat, blanket (as desired)
Om Culture will be providing simple snacks of nuts, chips and often fruit for us to enjoy after Breathwork.
If you choose to bring something to contribute then use this discount code to take some $money off of your donation: TY4FEEDME
Please label your dishes ingredients/allergens.
We offer a sliding scale in order to assist with accessibility.
+ The Green Bottle SystemIf the minimum requested donation is uncomfortable for you, that’s a good thing! Being in that discomfort in order to give yourself something that nourishes you is exactly what the Universe is waiting for. This is the beginning steps of aligning yourself with the abundance that you are desiring.
However, if you are unable to make the minimum recommended donation, please let us know before the event and we’ll be happy to make individual arrangements (gift exchanges, work-trades or simply assistance).
See the event for specific exchange information as it sometimes changes.
Reserve your space now -
Om Culture’s address is:
2210 N Pacific St, Seattle, WA 98103There is plenty of street parking.