Workshop Information
For Flow Church & Micro and Movement
Title: Contact Beyond Contact offering
Duration: 2-Hours
This offering is but a fractal of my deepest prayer that each of us get to live a life in which we feel fully loved, supported, proud of and worthy of being exactly who we are. This is true peace: to feel safe enough in any given moment to act authentically and to know we will be heard, seen and loved through it all.
Contact Beyond Contact (CBC) is a relational dance healing practice created by Vangelis Legakis that brings groups of participants into body, mind and heart alignment through explorations in contact improvisation, somatic and authentic movement and passing through.
The container will be woven with prayer & intention and held through agreements of non-judgement, compassion, patience and respect to create a safe space in which all can move, integrate, connect and transform. No dance experience is necessary. This practice is an embodied pathway to the deep truth of who we are in relationship to ourselves, each other and our collective as a whole.
Within this container we get to explore concepts of Energetic Connection, Leading and Following, our Yes and our No, and our Authentic Expression as it intersects with other divine beings.
LONG BIO (My preference to Share)
I love my body.
I love myself.
I love my expression.
I am life, Creation in bloom
and we are each beautiful and perfect as we are.
I've been letting that sink in (in so many different ways), actively, for almost a decade now and I find myself in this place where all I want to do is share the practices that have helped me to know in my body that I am all of those things.
And I’m still on the journey: to know myself as I shift and change with the seasons and the years. To know myself, through myself, and through the infinite reflections and relationships available to me as a being in this interconnected and interdependent tapestry of life.
Dance. The desire to dance. The desire to be connected to others in and through dance, touch and presence to another being or group of beings is essential to our nature. It's in our design. We evolved alongside dance, alongside each other, around the fire and under the moon.
Will I be awkward?
Will they want to dance with me?
Will they enjoy it?
Will I enjoy it?
Am I good enough?
These thoughts and fears were my own for many years and I know now that I was not alone. This is the heart of what we are healing through.
Bodily safety.
Self worth.
All these things exist in each of us in different ways and are represented in dance. My desire to heal these things are what have brought me to this now moment where I am being entrusted by the Universe to hold space for our collective to dive into itself through movement, expression and connection.
Through the dance we will begin to remember, to connect and to heal.
Elohim is that which brings the formless into form. It is creation and it is all of us.
In this incarnation he has been holding and creating sacred spaces for himself and our collective for over 9 years . He is a ceremonialist, channel for prayer and humble servant to the infinite ineffable fractals of Creation.
Following the threads as they revealed themselves, Elo has found his own healing through Singing Bowls & Sacred Sound, Yoga, Breathwork, Prayer, Men’s Work and Plant Medicines and acts as a servant to each of those beings by humbly propagating what’s he’s learned from them outward.
Connect with me
SHORT BIO (As needed)
Elohim is that which brings the formless into form. It is creation and it is all of us.
In this incarnation he has been holding and creating sacred spaces for himself and our collective for over 9 years . He is a ceremonialist, channel for prayer and humble servant to the infinite ineffable fractals of Creation.
Following the threads as they revealed themselves, Elo has found his own healing through Singing Bowls & Sacred Sound, Yoga, Breathwork, Prayer, Men’s Work and Plant Medicines and acts as a servant to each of those beings by humbly propagating what’s he’s learned from them outward.
Connect with me
What I Need to be Fully Successful
A full 2-hours.
Space that is flat, safe to dance on and large enough for the anticipated number of participants.
Space that is far from loud stages or a time slot that is during quiet hours
A real PA system (Bluetooth speakers will NOT cut it. The music is a vital part of the container)